Thursday, October 27, 2011


Following the process of knowing is reckoning. Paul continues in romans 6:9-10 to say, "Knowing that Christ, being raised form the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him, for He died, he died to sin onece for all, but the life he lives he lives through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Its only when we know the truth about the effects of Christ's death that we can then take it into account as truth and then begin to live in the light of it. Knowing the thruth about Christ's death then allows us to reckon that sin has no power over me any longer. Christ's death frees me from the penalty of sin and reckoning myself dead to sin and alive unto God in Christ frees me from sins penalty. I didn't know the difference between knowing and reckoning in the christian life for a long time untill recently. knowing means seeing God's word as truth and reckoining means we apply those truths to our life personally. Romans 6:11 says, "Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alie unto God through Christ Jesus our Lord" There is action that shoud following our reckoining because in Romans 6:12 Paul goes on to say, "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof"
When we KNOW our what Christ did, we then put on our new identity and identify with Christ. Since no our new identity is in Christ we then have to live accoridingly. Who you are determins what you do, not the other way around. What you do DOES NOT determine who you are. It just shows what you are and who you are. Thats why knowing and reckoning who and whos we are comes before our action and yeilding.
Rekoning is accounting God's truth as fact. We ARE dead and God calls us to 'reckon' or 'account' it as truth. Watchman Nee says it this way, "God tells us to reckon ourselves dead, not by the process of reckoning we may become dead, but because we ARE dead. He never told us to reckon what was not a fact."

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