- One night after having a really deep conversation with a dear friend, I went to bed and I had this dream. It has deeper meaning for me, but hopefully it will be a blessing to you. -
As I laid my head down on my pillow, trying to drift off to sleep. Thoughts of deep conversation filled my head, filled my thoughts has I lay down in bed. The music began to sound, symphonies of beauty begin to surround .me. My vision still blurred, In that moment Only music was to be heard. Two paths lay ahead of me, one narrow and one wide. One hard, one smooth, one covered one clear. The one wide and covered looked beautiful and bright I then chose the one that was appealing to my sight. I traveled then, along the road. It was Fall there, there soon would be snow. I reached the top, the highest point. What lay in the meadow was that of beauty, it was that of charm, It was a place that I didn't;t think would harm. me. I stood in a place that I called mine. It was my place of refuge, with no care of the time. Time was ticking, and that it was, But it was time that was wasting, being so consumed without a care of true love. Then out of the darkness, appeared the likeness of bears, but I knew they were not because of their stare, They looked more malicious more bitter, more jealous of me. I Looked for my own way out and all I found was a tree, But when I climbed it’s branches, I was about to fall, but the beast was right behind me, ready to devour my all. It caught my leg with one painful scratch, It would leave a scar, and a piece of myself I would never get back. I fell out of the tree and ran to another, Thinking I could save myself if I only climb further. I did this time, and I thought that I had won, but much to my surprise this beast had some sons, they were more cunning, more convincing, more charming than most, I thought I could pet them, hold on to them, but I would have to let go. When I did though, to reach out for them, they scratched my arm, falling from the tree leading me into MORE harm. I grabbed and I groveled to the leaves on the ground, searching even more for an answer to be found. I came to the edge, of the cliff from that place, The beasts shied away like they had seen a ghosts face. A voice then I heard, loud and authoritative. I couldn’t ignore it, no matter how much I hated it. It wasn’t me doing the persisting, or me being scared, it was the sin that was within, that was binding me there. But with one loud command of his voice broke my chains, He said “ Trust me, just trust in my name” I spoke out against Him, forgetting his claim, his claim on my life, and the grace that he gave. I shouted a retort as loud as I could, “ But your way is to hard Lord, how do I know that your good?” how many times has he shown me his glory, and how many times have I blinded my eyes? How many times has he given commands and how many times have I asked why?
“ My grace is sufficient, and my power is yours, All you have to do is come, Child, I’ve already conquered the world.”
So it was then I jumped, into the arms of my savior, He carried my shame and he gave me is favor. I was brought to a place more beautiful than the first. The place of His GLORY, all because he loved first. His way isn’t easy, but it is the way to peace, the way to eternity, there you'll find relief. We as humans are the most underserving, but God says differently, Because He came as a servant. Taking all of my brokenness, he heard my cry. He set me free from bondage, and free from all lies! Just trust in him and he will catch you, he will heal your wounds that have come upon you. And when I woke his mercies were new, May you be in Christ and Christ be in you.